Please take a moment to read “A Franciscan response to drastic changes to U.S. immigration law and policy”.–a-statement-on-the-drastic-changes-to-u.s.-immigration-law-and-policy
Parking at St. Francis Seraph
Looking for parking? Here are the options: The lot behind our school is open on Sundays until 1PM. You access this lot by turning onto Moore Street from Liberty, between the school and the Shell station. Also, to the left and right of Moore Street the gravel lots are available for Sunday Mass parking. The 3CDC Parking lot on the southwest corner of Race and Liberty is free on Sunday mornings until 1PM. At the Kiosk choose the option of St. Francis and the code 4316. There is another Race St. parking lot just north of Liberty St., on your left. This lot is usually locked at noon. Street parking is free until 2pm on Sundays, but there are limited spaces available. There are now two handicapped spaces on Vine St. alongside the courtyard wall as you approach Liberty St. heading south, and the spaces in the front of the church are now dedicated Handicapped spots.
Join us for Mass!
Mass Times: Sunday 10:00 AM Weekday 8:00 AM Holy Days 6:00 PM
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